Industry Pain Points

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I'm seeing these 'gurus' sharing how they tap into amazing SEO strategies that allow them to not have to spend money on acquiring new customers anymore, but I'm not sure if it's real, and who to trust. SEO is mostly a bunch of nerdy stuff the average person can't understand so you never know if what they're saying is true, and they all say it takes months to see results, so you end up paying so much for a service that you can't be sure will actually work. Any advice?
This cyberattack disrupting insurance processing at pharmacies is causing chaos for healthcare businesses. Patients are being forced to pay out of pocket for critical care because insurance claims aren't going through. It's not just affecting one pharmacy, it's a widespread issue impacting multiple states. How can I ensure patient care isn't compromised while dealing with cyber threats?
I need a simpler way to create a curriculum that is easily sharable and covers all subjects/areas of development. maybe something that the parents could see too?
Construction Management
My business uses a lot of text messages between our clients and our contractors, I'm struggling to handle texts from multiple phone lines. Moat services want us to get new Phone numbers to sign up, which is a no go. I've thought about using Slack threads and SMS forwarding tools, but I'm not sure if they'll help. If anyone has dealt with this and found a solution, I'd really appreciate your advice.

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